
FE (프론트)/react native

[react native] async-storage 오류 / build 오류 / run with web 방법

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npm exited with non-zero code: 1


Error npm exited with non-zero code: 1 expo React Native

I'm doing a CRUD on firebase, I'm using expo for react native. I run the command: eas build -p android --profile preview, and in the Prebuild part it gives me the error: npm exited with non-zero co...



run with web 방법

  • npx expo install react-native-web@~0.18.10 @expo/webpack-config@^18.0.1
  • 위에거 설치하고 w눌러서 open web하면 잘 뜸
  • 개발툴 웹 UI 더이상 지원 안함


build 에러

  • expo build:web 등의 명령어 2023년부터 불가
    • npx expo export -p web 로 해야함


react native vercel로 배포시 에러

  • 아직 해결 못함....
  • CommandError: Platform "web" is not configured to use the Metro bundler in the project Expo config.
  • Error: Command "expo export -p web" exited with 1

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